Producing the Contemporary City

24 Mei - 2 September 2007

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Wanneer u als journalist een van de onderdelen van de 3e Internationale Architectuur Biënnale Rotterdam wilt bezoeken of bijwonen, dan kunt u contact opnemen met Rinske Brand via 010-2060041 of mailen naar rbrand@iabr.nl.

Caracas - UTT Caracas

Foto: Caracas, George Brugmans



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“Power –whether political, economic, or social – treats urban and architectural form as a means rather than an end in itself. Revealing the ways in which this power is made manifest in built form takes an essential first step for any responsible intervention in the contemporary city. The next step is to understand the specific mechanism of the power structure at play in order to subvert it or operate within it”.  (Rafi Segal, 2007)