Producing the Contemporary City

24 May - 2 September 2007
PowerNotes #02
The Arrival
 participants masterclass visiting Slagheklocation (Hilleslsuis)

Registration and Welcome reception

In the early evening of a muggy Dutch Sunday more than sixty eager participants in the biennale masterclass received a warm welcome in the Berlage Institute. "You are selected from the world's most renowned universities. Rotterdam feels lucky:



Registration and Welcoming

Impression of the registration and welcoming reception.

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Exploring Bloemhof and Slaghek

After enjoying a delicious lunch in 't Gemaal the fourteen groups of the masterclass dispersed into Rotterdam-Zuid to explore the sites.

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Exploring Bloemhof and Slaghek

On tour with the participants of the masterclass. 

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"The informal city doesn't produce garbage. It recycles itself." (Alfredo Brillembourg and Hubert Klumpner in Carácas. The Informal City, 2007)