Producing the Contemporary City

24 May - 2 September 2007
IABR Project Office

IABR Project Office

Westersingel 52

3014 GV Rotterdam

The Netherlands

T: +31 (0) 10 2060033

F: +31 (0) 10 4364335

E: info@iabr.nl

To contact the IABR Project Office, please click on the name of the person you would like to approach. 


Director: George Brugmans


Head of Programme: Christine de Baan

Head of Production: Monica van Steen

Head of Communications: Rinske Brand


Coordinator PowerLounge: Michiel Schwarz

Exhibitions Producer: Marlin Kornet

Researcher/Project Assistant: Sophie van Ginneken  

Project Assistent: Sylvia Lodewick

Project Assistent: Sabrina Basten

Communications Advisor: Laura Liem

Communications Assistent: Kim Kraan

Communications Assistent: Chantal Kradolfer

Office Assistant: Jacqueline Arnell


Web-editor: Harry den Hartog, Rotterdam

Photography: Dieuwertje Komen, Rotterdam, with collaboration of Jan Adriaans en Johan Slager


Design: Thonik, Amsterdam


Website: Bart Driessen (www.zinnebeeld.nl) and Maurits de Bruijn (www.mauritsdebruijn.nl)


"Urbanism doesn't exist. It is only an ideology in Marx's sense of the word." (Koolhaas in S,M,L,XL, 1995)