Vrijdagmiddagkaffee - in collaboration with HipHopHuis

Friday 4 May, the Dépendance and HipHopHuis will together host a special edition Friday Afternoon Café. Free entrance!
Every Friday afternoon during the 5th IABR: Making City, the Dépendance is organising conversations and film screenings in an informal setting, either by invitation or spontaneously. The Friday Afternoon Cafés tempt passers-by and occupants of the Test Site Rotterdam inside to finish the week with a beer. While there, they can listen to stories about new ways of city making.
17:00 | DJ Frankadelic
18:00 | Screening of ‘The making of Inside Out/HipHopHuis’ (Giorgio Oehlers/ HipHopHuis)
Rotterdam’s HipHopHuis joins in with the international art project ‘Inside Out’. An international street-art project thought up by Parisian JR (artist and 2011 TED Prize-winner) implemented by New York organisation World Up. Faces from the Rotterdam scene and portraits from Amman (Jordan) are pasted onto the roll-down shutters of Cultuurpodium Perron. – More info on www.hiphophuis.nl.
18:30 | Documentary ‘Women Are Heroes’ by JR
With the documentary ‘Women are Heroes’ by JR pays tribute to oppressed women world-wide. JR gives a face to women in the ghettoes by blowing up their portraits to huge formats and sticking them on the roofs and trains of their village or city. It’s JR’s way of celebrating the power and true value of these women, and their function as a role model for the communities they live in.
The Friday Afternoon Cafés take place every Friday from 20 April to 17 August at the Dépendance (Schieblock, Test Site Rotterdam).