A weekend packed with architecture and great food

The Dutch national Day of Architecture, or Dag van de Architectuur is dedicated to 'architecture and food'. With a Food Festival at Test Site Rotterdam on Saturday 23 June, and a special focus on the theme this weekend in the IABR exhibitions at the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI).
From urban farming to new uses for factories and (vertical) greenhouses. From kitchens to restaurants and (super)markets. Visit the Dag van de Architectuur on 23 and 24 June and discover just how closely interconnected our food, the architecture and the architect, really are.
Come to the IABR Test Site on Saturday 23 June between 10.00 and 21.00 and taste Rotterdam for yourself! With pop-up beer in the Biergarten, BBQ and soup from Mess and KOM made from vegetables grown on the roof garden, a performance by Parfum de BoemBoem, Visit-the Farmer Day and a tea-house on the roof of the Schieblock.
You can also visit the IABR exhibitions at the NAI that same weekend. On Sunday 24 June, at 11.00 and 12.00, the NAI is giving two tours of the main IABR exhibition 'Making City', highlighting sustainable projects and urban
For full details of all events in Rotterdam, go to dagvandearchitectuur-rotterdam.nl. For events at venues throughout the Netherlands, visit www.dagvandearchitectuur.nl.