'The City Forever' (VPRO) gives a voice to city dwellers

How do we find happiness amid all that concrete? In collaboration with the 5th IABR: Making City, the VPRO broadcaster will spend a week looking for people who lend form and substance to improving the city and the quality of life it offers. At a packed Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam last night, visitors got a foretaste of the rich program entitled ‘The City Forever’.
The City Forever
From 14 to 23 April, the VPRO will highlight the city, its makers and its citizens on radio and television, online, and in the VPRO program guide in ‘The City Forever’. The series kicked off yesterday evening with debates hosted by Roland Duong and Teun van de Keuken (presenters of De Slag om Nederland), a live transmission of De Avonden, the première of the audio slideshow De Groeistuipen van Istanbul, and advance screenings of Tegenlicht, Andere Tijden, Nieuwkomers and Labyrint.
Tegenlicht ‘Smart Cities Unlimited’ (Ned 2 - 16 April, 21.00 hrs)
What will the city of the future look like? Tegenlicht takes a close look at the plans and also examines the smart and sustainable city by Siemens and IKEA’s city of the human scale. - View the trailer on the VPRO website
The growing pains of Istanbul (De Groeistuipen van Istanbul)
For ‘The City Forever’ Rik Delhaas and the highly respected photographer Daimon Xanthopoulos made an audio slideshow about Istanbul, a metropolis with growing pains. - View the audio slideshow on the VPRO website
> For the complete ‘The City Forever’ program, visit the VPRO website or the calendar on this website.