IABR and AIR organize five lectures

In partnership with AIR, the architecture centre in Rotterdam, the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) is organizing five lectures on the theme ‘Making City’.
‘How do we make city?’ That is the central question of the 5th IABR, entitled Making City. It is also a call to everyone — governments, policy-makers, politicians, designers and the public — to set to work on the city with enthusiasm. Participants from over 35 cities around the world will gather in Rotterdam in April 2012 at the invitation of the IABR. Together with projects initiated by the IABR, their plans and projects will feature in the main exhibition Making City at the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi). In the run-up to that event, representatives of the cities will meet one another this autumn in Rotterdam during closed ‘Urban Meetings’. On the evening before each Urban Meeting the IABR, in partnership with AIR, will hold a public lecture in the Dépendance.
13 September 2011 - 'MAKING CITY'
27 September 2011 – BORDEAUX, ‘50,000 new homes’
11 October 2011 – NEW YORK, ‘Highline’
18 October 2011 – LILLE KORTRIJK TOURNAI, ‘Eurometropolis’
8 November 2011 – PARIS, ‘La Défense Seine Arche’
Venue: Dépendance building, Schieblock, Schiekade 189, Rotterdam
Starting time: 20:00 hrs
Admission: € 5, to be paid at the door
Language: English
Reservations: events@iabr.nl (reservation recommended)