5th IABR: Making City in the media from Rotterdam to India

From Rotterdam to India, Taiwan and Brazil, the 5th IABR: Making City was in the news all over the world. We’ve made a selection, a broad perspective of Making City from the scores of articles published over recent weeks.
The Standaard in Belgium runs the headline: “Rotterdam’s Architecture Biennale in quest of a future for the city. A battle against the city’s growing pains”. Topos Magazine concludes that the 5th IABR makes space “…for romantic and fanciful ideas, but reality must be acknowledged however unpleasant, especially if architecture will engage with political forces and financial systems at a level high enough to truly impact the making of cities.” But Wallpaper is quick to see the fun side: “After all, a biennale is fun, and this lighthearted approach might bring a bit of happiness to the overall melancholy mood of Dutch architects.” And the Neue Züricher Zeitung writes that Making City raises the hope “…dass sich die immensen Herausforderungen, die auf den Städten lasten, durch eine kreative, kollektive Planung doch noch bewältigen lassen.”
So why not come and make up your own mind? We’d love to see you at one of our Biennale locations. The 5th IABR runs until 12 August.
Selection of articles:
Neue Zuricher Zeitung Online (Switzerland), 3 May
Topos Magazine (international), 3 May
Reformatorisch Dagblad (NL), 3 May
Hamburger Abendblatt (Germany), 2 May
Wallpaper (international), 30 April
Rotterdam Vandaag en Morgen (NL), 30 April
De Standaard (Belgium), artikelen over Making City en Test Site Istanbul, 28 April
Arnavutkoyden (Turkey), 27 April
Abitare (Italy), 9 May
MOT/Times (Taiwan), 27 April
Konzepte PR online (Germany), 25 April
Architectenweb (NL), artikelen over Making City en Test Sites Istanbul en Sao Paulo, 19 en 24 April
Piniweb.com (Brazil), 20 April
Le Moniteur (France), 19 April
The Newspapers Editor's Society (India), 17 April
Architectafrica.com (Africa), 13 April
Arkitera (Turkey), 25 April