Parallel Cases follows up with an exhibition on Smart Cities during 5th IABR: Making City

International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) and Academies of Architecture to continue collaboration.
The Parallel Cases exhibition, staged in 2009 during the previous International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, will enjoy a sequel during the 5th IABR: Making City. In Parallel Cases students present their view on the biennale theme. This second Parallel Cases exhibition will therefore focus on city making and has as its theme Smart Cities. With a total of 23 projects, Smart Cities - Parallel Cases 2 shows ways in which the next generation of designers can make cities smarter. Smart cities create more jobs, are cleaner, more flexible, more efficient and safer. They contribute to a more sustainable world from a social and economic viewpoint too. The emphasis lies on design and research projects that include contributions from outside the disciplines of architecture and urbanism.
Smart Cities - Parallel Cases 2 therefore expands the original collaboration between IABR and the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture. The 2012 exhibition will be organised by an alliance made up of the Academies of Architecture in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Groningen, Maastricht, Rotterdam and Tilburg. The IABR and the Academies have expressed their intention to continue and intensify the collaboration in future editions of the IABR.
Smart Cities - Parallel Cases 2 will go on show at the Netherlands Architecture Institute. The 5th IABR: Making City opens on 19 April 2012.
The exhibition is made possible by the Dutch Architecture Fund.