Biergarten Rotterdam kicks off on 26 May

Biergarten Rotterdam – the city’s sunny terrace (Schiestraat 18) – gets off to a flying start on Saturday 26 May. Between 12.00 and 21.00 p.m., visitors can get a taste of what the Test Site of the 5th IABR: Making City has to offer over the summer months. After the elevated walkway the Luchtsingel and Dakakker roof garden, Test Site is now bringing Rotterdam the sunniest terrace in town. Biergarten Rotterdam will be open until mid August.
Biergarten Rotterdam
The Biergarten launches on 31 May and will be open from Thursdays to Saturdays from 12.00 to 21.00 p.m. It promises to be one of the best terraces in town for catching a few rays – with no tall buildings in the vicinity, you can enjoy the sun until twilight. Fabrique Urbaine, the furniture factory set up specifically for the Test Site, has made furniture for around 100 sun worshippers. Biergarten Rotterdam has everything you’d expect from a Biergarten – lots of beer and hearty snacks served up at sturdy tables. Over the next few months, Biergarten Rotterdam will focus on different sporting events like the Tour de France and European Championship football. To check out the full programme go to the Biergarten Facebook Page.
Program 26 May
Biergarten Rotterdam gets off to a bang in true French style, in honour of the Tour de France. The free programme on 26 May includes a Jeu de Boules tournament, performances by different acts, children’s activities and a guided tour of the Test Site and the Dakakker. And it’s awash with culinary delights - tankards of beer, speciality beers, a barbecue and a variety of enticing soups. The Biergarten is a joint venture between Mess, KOM Soep, Fabrique Urbaine, ZUS, IABR and Almost Modern. Test Site Rotterdam is part of the 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam.