IABR organizes panel discussion in Berlin

The symposium focused on issues very much related to the theme of IABR–2014–URBAN BY NATURE and therefore AEDES invited the IABR to host one of its panels.
Dirk Sijmons, the curator of IABR–2014, discussed key questions like, what is a ‘city’, how does our complex urban system function, and on which scale can we find feasible solutions to the challenges of the 21st century? These are issues that he will further elaborate on in IABR–2014–URBAN BY NATURE.
Sijmons had asked Kelly Shannon (Oslo School of Architecture and Design), Eric Frijters (FABRIC / IABR–2014–Project Atelier Rotterdam) and Lars Lerup (Rice University Houston) to each present a case study that connects to the three sub theme’s of URBAN BY NATURE: the relationship between city and nature, the metabolism of the city, and strategies for the urban landscapes.
For more information click here.