Architecture in 'growth-crazy' cities

Location: Netherlands Architecture Institute (auditorium), Rotterdam
Turkish Approaches for Sustainable City Making
The megacity Istanbul represents the dilemma of rapidly growing metropolises worldwide. The city has to accommodate the increase of its population, consuming ever more space. However, it also has to provide the necessary resources for this growing population: food, water, mobility. This debate, organized by the IABR and the Municipality of Arnavutköy, brings together the major actors of city making: the architect; the city planner and the government, the NGO and the professional, and poses the key question of sustainability under conditions of mega urban growth. These are the crucial stakeholders of the alliance in order to effectuate change in the way we make cities. But are these actors prepared to come together, to work as an alliance, to articulate the central questions concerning urban sustainability? What is the responsibility of each actor and what can be expected from them? What role should national and local governments play in this process?
The megacity Istanbul represents the dilemma of rapidly growing metropolises worldwide. The city has to accommodate the increase of its population, consuming ever more space. However, it also has to provide the necessary resources for this growing population: food, water, mobility. This debate, organized by the IABR and the Municipality of Arnavutköy, brings together the major actors of city making: the architect; the city planner and the government, the NGO and the professional, and poses the key question of sustainability under conditions of mega urban growth. These are the crucial stakeholders of the alliance in order to effectuate change in the way we make cities. But are these actors prepared to come together, to work as an alliance, to articulate the central questions concerning urban sustainability? What is the responsibility of each actor and what can be expected from them? What role should national and local governments play in this process?
- Emre Arolat (Emre Arolat Architects EAA) will present challenges for sustainable development in terms of permeability, stability, mixed use, structure-function relation and public focus, framed in context of the threat of gentrification.
- Duygu Erten (Consultant and Turkish Green Building Council - CEDBIK) will present the necessity of national green building certification. She will undertake a critical assessment of the pressures under urban growth.
- Selcuk Avci (AVCIARCHITECTS, Urbanista INTERNATIONAL) will present case studies showing that sustainability has to be achieved at every scale and all actors need to work together.
- Ahmet Hasim Baltaci (Mayor of Arnavutköy Municipality) discusses the challenges of holistic planning and urban growth management from the perspective of being a local municipality mayor in Istanbul.
- Ahmet Hasim Baltaci (Mayor of Arnavutköy Municipality) discusses the challenges of holistic planning and urban growth management from the perspective of being a local municipality mayor in Istanbul.
Asu Aksoy (Curator Test Site Istanbul 5th IABR, Istanbul Bilgi University)
Time: 19.30 hrs
Language: English
Admission: €7,50 / €3,00 for students / free for Friends of the NAI
Register via: www.nai.nl/register
This debate is organized by the IABR and the Municipality of Arnavutköy (Istanbul), and is supported by the Government of the Republic of Turkey within the framework of the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Netherlands.
More information about Atelier Istanbul
Collaboration IABR and Municipality of Arnavutköy
This debate is organized by the IABR and the Municipality of Arnavutköy (Istanbul), and is supported by the Government of the Republic of Turkey within the framework of the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Netherlands.
As part of the 5th IABR: Making City, the Municipality of Arnavutköy and the IABR together set up ‘Atelier Istanbul’ to address the issue of water and agricultural resources management under the conditions of fast urban sprawl. Through a series of workshops guided by AWB, the design offices H+N+S landscape architects and 51N4E, together with the Municipality of Arnavutköy and other local stakeholders, the Atelier developed a Spatial Development Strategic Vision and Action Plan for the municipality.
The results of Atelier Istanbul are part of the main exhibition 'Making City' in the NAI. In October 2012, the ‘Making City Istanbul’ exhibition will take place in Istanbul.