Toine Horvers en Myriam Inschoot: Singelstemmen

Location: Test Site Rotterdam, Luchtsingel
Sound sculpture by Toine Horvers and Myriam van Imschoot with the collaboration of volunteer voice performers
After Horvers and van Imschoot’s experience using the voice in a vast mountain landscape in Portugal (2011), they were eager to explore the bridging effect of the voice in the urban environment for the Luchtsingel performance. The elevated walkway of the Luchtsingel, connecting the station to the Hofbogen, which in itself is highly evocative as a yellow line of motion and time – challenged them to develop a structure of vocal signals that gradually energise the line through the acoustic presence of the performers.
The progression of the performers along the Luchtsingel is determined by throwing dice. The performers loudly call out the spatial coordinates of the landing-point; the process continues until each performer reaches either end of the walkway.
Saturday 11 August: Singelstemmen from 12.00 to around 18.00